Monday, September 29, 2008

pit pit pit on a fence

Hello Y'all,

it is also my first photo on this blog. Sunday, I went picking some apples in an orchard, and along the way, I was thinking where would I rest if I were a nice little bird. Well I found my answer. On a fence!


Ann said...

Hehehe, "pit pit pit". Vive le QC!

Steve Losh said...

I like the 4x5 aspect ratio. You don't see it so much any more these days.

Paul said...

I found myself zooming in and out on this photo as I was checking it out. The gradual loss of focus and how that directs the eye is really captivating; I wanted to look around the whole photo but kept being drawn back to the lower right foreground. Freaky in a good way. I think it would have been even more impressive if the colors were a bit more vivid, maybe.

I like this photo, but I'm not sure if it's the best for this particular challenge.

Unknown said...

I really like this photo. Like I really, really like it. Also, I do enjoy the use of onomatopoeia in the title. I like the gleam of cars to the right, the texture of the wood to the left, and the wet, thick colors. Happy limequat dance.