Monday, September 22, 2008

Beau's hat!

He was calm for about 2 min... enough time to take those.


Paul said...

I love dog photos, can't help it. The first, though cute, feels unremarkable to me, like it's no big deal that the dog is wearing a hat, he knows it's going away soon enough. But the SECOND photo is a great example of how a picture can capture magic. Dogs don't generally smile so big that they have to close their eyes to contain it. This feels like it must have lasted for just a moment and the photographer had the great timing to catch an illusory image of amusement before it slipped back into the reality of panting.

DVS said...

I like both shots. The smile on the dog is priceless. But I personally like the subtleness of the first shot. It almost looks like the dog is perfectly content with the hat and hardly notices it anymore. I also like the colors and good use of your f-stop.

Unknown said...

So I'm posting a real comment now, haha. I want to say that I agree with Paul, that considering the constituency of this blog, posting dog photos is almost cheating. That being said, the timing on these photos is well done. The first shot has great, intense colors and Beau seriously looks like he's geared up to go hike a mountain and eat trail mix. The second is great as far as the dog's expression goes. Great shots!

Bruno said...

I appreciate the evaluation you are providing and I don't plan on "cheating" with Beau again. It was not my intention but simply my first idea and I went with it. It is my roommate companion and she's been asking for a good picture of him for some time. I was surprise as is cooperation and as dvs mentioned, Beau was perfectly content for a few moments. As far as the second picture goes it was a total surprise once I loaded the pictures.

for the tech people I shot with a Nikon VR 105mm 2.8 macro lens on a D80.

Silverlyn said...


My favorite is the second picture. How can you not like the smiling dog? Huh huh? You pictures were my first choice until I saw limequat's entry.

Both shots are great. The first picture doesn't stand out to me but the second one totally grabs my attention with the dog's smile. Hehe, corny! I know.

Unknown said...

Sorry, I didn't mean cheating as in real cheating, I meant that we all love puppies so much!!

Steve Losh said...

The first photo doesn't do much for me; there are a lot of pet photos out there so it takes something special to stand out.

The second one does. The anime-ish eyes are awesome; the expression as a whole is great.

I might darken the blues and greens just a little bit to avoid that washed out feeling. Darkening the entire photo would clip the fur to black which you did a good job in preventing, so I think just the blues and greens would be enough.