Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paul's "Man's Morning versus Nature's Morning"

My initial approach was going to be Bad Mornings versus Good Mornings (crowded Starbucks versus pretty morning dew on flowers). But Starbucks wasn't crowded and by the time there was sunlight, there was no dew on the flowers! Darn it!

Instead I went with Man's Morning versus Nature's Morning. I choose one shot that's got no indication of morning except for the fact that it shows a very human morning ritual, and another one that shows a very obvious sign of morning in the outdoors.

I was really tempted to use the pretty treetop photos I took as more clearly showing morning, but I decided to use the photo of the tree shadow that I thought was "neater" even though it may not be as precisely appropriate. Here are the rest of the shots I took for this challenge, on flickr.


Megatron said...

The tree shot is really lovely, Paul. Nice color and interesting composition. :D

I see what you were going for in the Charbucks shot, and the muted colors definitely convey that, but the composition lacks...ooomph...for lack of a better term. Maybe a different angle or slightly closer in to get more detail, or further away to make the people look small and overwhelmed by the beigeness of it all.

Paul said...

Thanks, Meg! It took me about 10 minutes to take the photos of the older couple and they were being so nice about it, I didn't want to keep them any longer than that. I thought about playing with the colors after the fact, but I figure this is a camera-use group, not a photoshop-use group so I've been trying to avoid anything but mild touchups.

Unknown said...

I love nature shots, but this time, I was actually more drawn to the Starbucks shot. I wished that the composition was just a touch better; I personally would've gone with either more space above the people or less space above the people (I know, what else can you really do, right?), because it seems like the shot has this not-quite-enough-of-something feel. I like the reflection of the sky in the glass.