Sunday, October 5, 2008

Paul Krackels Everything

Okay, so, I like playing with words. And food. As soon as I read this challenge, I thought of a crackling fire and Hershey's Krackel candy bars. I already had a fireplace, but no candy bars. A couple of trips to grocery stores and I had all the tools I needed to create photos that only I would find amusing.

I tried some straight up fire photos, but they were boring. Then I added a candy bar and they were awesome. My first submission: A Krackel-ing Fire.

My last combination of stuff involved a bowl of cereal that's known to be noisy, and that same awesome candy bar. My second submission: Snap, KRACKEL, Pop.

Thanks to Meg and Bruno and Steve Losh and whomever else gave tips on my previous photos. I did download the user's manual and played with exposure settings and f-stop settings and white balances. I don't know what any of those things mean, but I played with them.

And just for fun, here's all the photos I took trying to come up with submissions for this challenge. Yes, there are photos of my dog. Just cuz. Paul's Snapsluts Challenge 3 Photos


DVS said...

Dude, I love the fire shot. Not only did you capture great color, but throwing the candy bar in there is priceless!

I have to pass on this week's contest because the only shooting I did was at a nightclub on Saturday night. And unless I snapped a shot of the crackhead outside, that was the closest I came to having a "crackle" image.

Megatron said...

I can see a definite improvement in these shots. Your studying is paying off. :D

Unknown said...

You crackled the hell out of this challenge. Was the yellow-y second shot a filter or a white balance choice, or was it unintended?

I want a fireplace.

Paul said...

I didn't realize how yellow it was until I was too sleepy to reshoot the second photo-set. I just had lots of yellow lights around the setup in my kitchen. I gotta remember to use my daylight lights when I do these indoor shots.

Bruno said...

you took the bonus and run with it!!

Cric Crac Croc (for French reference)