Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Morning is a state of mind.

Not a time. At ULHS, we were waking up and going to bed at odd hours... But I managed to steal away and take a couple shots of *my* morning.


Megatron said...

You should have kept the pic of me and DJ sleeping in the next bed, then I could have used it for one of my morning shots. ;-)

Paul said...

Both shots are really well composed, I think. I wonder if your photos have a tendency to be left-sided? The first shot feels ambiguous as to whether it's a getting up shot or about to crawl into bed after being up all night shot, but I guess either could mean morning. The second is another one of these photos I'd like to put on my walls but I don't get a sense of morning at all. Maybe if the shadows were longer or if there were something more to provide context.