Monday, October 20, 2008

Ananas comosus (pineapple!!)

Hi everyone.
This weekend was my cousin’s wedding and she asked me to take her official photos. First I was flattered, but soon I realized that I would have to do a damn good job, since this event only comes once in a lifetime (let’s hope). So, I borrowed some equipment from a photographer friend of mine (read: 3 reflectors and an extra flash).
Here I was tonight, sitting in my apartment, thinking about this week’s challenge. I told myself that I better use all this equipment before I give it back to him. So here are my pictures of a pineapple.
The first photo shows the set-up. Those who like to analyse each photo will notice on the extreme left that I already started eating some Halloween candies (the famous Rockets!).
The second photo was taken by firing one flash through a translucid refector behind the object, while the flash on my camera bounced on another reflector (silver) in front of the object (the camera was in between the 2 reflectors). Finally, I used the third reflector as a “table cloth”. I photoshoped the second picture to remove the edge from the reflector on the table.

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