Monday, March 2, 2009

Trying to relive my childhood on a snowy day...

In honor of the freshly fallen snow on the 1st and 2nd days of March...(something is wrong with that, oh well, at least it's pretty)...I decided to go on a little adventure.

In this one, I went back to my old elementary school's playground and had a little too much fun going down slides and hanging on the monkey bars--well, rewind...walking while pretending to swing on the monkey bars since I'm a bit taller now and my feet can reach the ground. (I was never a very agile kid and apparently that trend followed me up until now)

And for my second photo, I decided I would go on a walk but after about 5 minutes, the idea of making a snow angel in the six or so inches of powdery snow seemed pretty enticing. Unfortunately I was lacking proper snow attire, but I figured, what the hell...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really love the composition of the first photo; it's too bad it was not a good day for natural light... I wish that the school wasn't in the background, but other than that, it's a fun photo. The orange is great and the snow/ice coming off the front is a fun visual feature.

I also really like the snow angel photo, which is feel is the more theme-y of the two of your photos, mostly because of the human element. The slide suggests to me childhood, but the lack of use shown by the snow kind of negates that. You totally rock for making snow angels like it's nobody's business. Thanks for submitting!