Monday, March 9, 2009

It's in a Bottle and It Flies

Oh, Mr. Croce, you had a talent for turning a phrase. When does time really come to mind? When you're waiting for something:

And since I've been having so much fun while I've been taking photos with my new camera, of course this cliche would come to mind:

You can see the rest of my candidates on my flickr page. I particularly had fun taking photos of sandglasses and catching the little grains as they fell!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Great concepts Paul! In the first one I wish the falling grains had been in line with the street lights because the focal point/line is a little undefined. I wish the clock had been in focus in the second one, but I can see from your flickr set that you tried your best (even with your new fancy camera). Love the variety this week!