Monday, March 16, 2009

Legoland and Teddy Bears on Parade!

I really should have read the instructions on how to take panoramic photos before I just went out and starting snapping away. Ah, well, it just means that I had to work even harder this time around. Fortunately, the subjects of my photos made this work feel like play! WARNING: these photos are enormous!

I wanted to find a lego landscape I could photograph in such a fashion that it felt like you were actually lego-person-sized... Field trip to the lego store in Woodbridge, VA!

As we were leaving the Lego store in search of food, a long stretch of America's number 1 threat caught my eye and I had to take some pics.

I had downloaded the "hugin" program in hopes that it would stitch the panoramic photos together for me. That did work in a couple cases, like one Lego spread, a Disney photo spread, and a 360 degree photo shoot inside a gazebo. But the two subjects above didn't work in the program, so I stitched those together manually.

The rest of my candidates are on flickr, starting with the 9 that I did stitch together into panoramic views, and continuing with various photos I used for source material and various photos that I thought I might use.

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