Sunday, September 21, 2008

Response #1 from Paul (2 shots)

Okay, anybody who knows me won't be surprised by this, my first candidate for this challenge. I took advantage of a drugged up puppy, home from the hospital, to play with this idea.

That's my first submission for the Hats challenge.

And here's my second: I was in Silver Spring on Saturday to pick up my new glasses, after which I kept tripping over things and bumping into people. However, I knew that the new Living Ruff store was having its grand opening event and went to capture some good stuff. Was hoping for firefighters and police... or funny animals in funny hats... but no such luck. I did get a good high vantage point for a shot of several capped men very seriously perusing a chess game. Thinking caps? Too obvious.


DVS said...

I love random street scenes! But I'm definitely partial to the dog. It reminds me of a web site my roommate introduced me to last week called I wouldn't doubt you could find a site called

Good stuff!

Unknown said...

I like the photo of Dru, though there were two things I wish I could see: more vibrant color, and I wish all the hats were on her as though they were meant for wearing. I believe the beanie cap is just lying on her. It conjures up a morning-after-new-year's which I like. She also makes an inviting shape. The second photo is nice, but I feel could've been composed better.

Megatron said...

I can see what you were going for with these, but I'm a big proponent of tight and careful framing (as you may have noticed), as well as paying close attention to negative space.

The 2nd pic would be more compelling if you had zoomed in, or found a different angle that made you really feel like the viewer was inside the group. A shallow depth of field that de-emphasized the background would also have brought more attention to the men and their hats.

I'm a sucker for a cute puppy, and there's no denying that your puppy is cute, but I agree with Sandy: more color would be better.

Bruno said...

Hi Paul,
I posted my pics and then I saw yours... told myself that for a small group to have similar ideas is unlikely.
I like your idea about the chess scene and to make it more punchy I would have try to frame it so that we don't see faces ... just hats playing chess as opposed to people.

Silverlyn said...

It's awesome how calm the dog looks under all those hats! Haha! Dru looks like it happens all the time.. that or the hats don't exist.

Both are good but neither are compelling. The first shot looks washed out. There's lots of individual detail but you have to look for it. It doesn't stand out on it's own. The second shot is a good one of the men playing chess but it doesn't make me think, "Hats!" The focus is on the board. The body postures, the downward shot, the table being slightly off center--it leads me to the game.

Paul said...

LOVE the critiques, everyone! It's like I'm in a photography seminar course, except I'm still having fun! Thank you!

Steve Losh said...

The doggy picture reminds me of a "morning after" as well.

I like the muted, washed out colors. The dog is drugged out of his/her mind and I think bright, vibrant colors would clash with that. The muted colors remind me of an aged picture that fits really will with the puppy's mood.

I also like the aspect ratio; is it 4x5 or something else?