I did a little bit of photoshop just to make them look a little more crisp and amp up the green.
Larger images here, if you like: http://flickr.com/photos/vlg/2880205903/ and http://flickr.com/photos/vlg/2881039176/
We choose a theme. We take pictures. We share and compare. Someone wins. Repeat.
Oh, bugger. First of all, I love these photos as images. I would happily put up either one on a wall of my apartment because of the great coloring (more the first) and the lines (more the second). But... The only reason I'm not voting for Meg is that the thing these photos don't do for me is give me any idea of a hat. If I didn't know it was a vintage green hat, I might have thought it were Peter Pan's shoes or plants. As art, I love it. But it does not get my vote for this challenge.
(I really might hang the first one on my wall, though)
I like your use of light in these photos; I think the best thing you can do when shooting is mess with the lighting. I prefer the second photo over the first because i feel like this green thing is being seen with newborn eyes what with the light blurring and glowing. In the first, I feel like the colors aren't how I would personally like them; they seem to have a yellow tinge (I know, I know, I have a yellow tinge). Overall, fun submission!
Thanks, guys! Glad you like them.
Sandy: I agree. The yellow tinge in the first pic is less than ideal. With a little more time in front of photoshop, I could probably have corrected it, but I like to do as little manipulation as possible. Plus, I took these about 30 minutes before I posted them, so I was short on time. ;-) Also, I just couldn't resist the allure of that little snippet of the orangey-red band in the corner, even though everything was skewing so warm.
Paul: As much as I admire the journalistic/documentary style, it's not what I do best, so I purposefully didn't take those kinds of shots.
Also, there's no stipulation in the rules that says your end result must immediately read as "HAT", though I think the second one does.
I like how the first picture goes from focused to slightly out of focus. The changes in coloring, tone, dark to light. In the second one, I like how the lines are brought to notice by the glowing light. There's a texture of softness and feeling of warmth.
They're neat! However, I too, had no idea that the shots were of hats.
I like the first picture; the orange band adds a lot.
The second looks a bit too lens-flary near the bottom of the hat; the light bleeds into the green of the hat and washes it out a little.
Keep playing with lighting; light is the most important part of photography.
I see your point about the lens flare, but I actually kind of like it. I think it adds to the abstractness, and it kind of looks like the light is coming up to engulf the hat, or like the hat is being dipped in light.
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