Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Challenge # 11 - Hidden (sub)text

SnAPslUTz0rz: new format, let's do eet!

SnappySlut: cool! Do you want to post about it or should I?

SnAPslUTz0rz: hmm
we should probably also come up with our next challenge

SnappySlut: well, since I'm the winner this week, do I get to choose?

oh wait
we didn't really tell anyone that this was the policy
well I guess it works out because we're the SnapSluts anyway?
so yes?
12:06 PM

SnappySlut: hm, you're right, we didn't tell people, so let's choose a challenge for #11 and annoucnce the winner-chooses-challenge structure at the same time

SnAPslUTz0rz: cool
you can choose if you want though
since you won
hee hee

SnappySlut: um, I had a thought but need your help...I was thinking signs or hidden words or something like that?
12:11 PM

SnAPslUTz0rz: oh haha cool
i like hidden words
like hidden meaning?
or hidden communication?

SnappySlut: ooh, maybe secret message, or hidden message
oops, I crashed explorer
maybe hidden text?

SnAPslUTz0rz: oooh
or hidden (sub)text?
like a really awkward photo

SnappySlut: yes! I like it!

SnAPslUTz0rz: hooray!

SnappySlut: with the parentheses

SnAPslUTz0rz: so it can either be hidden text or hidden subtext
or hidden text that has hidden subtext
THE POSSIBILITIES, [name omitted]


SnAPslUTz0rz: haaha

SnappySlut: I think you should post about it because your posts are especially hilarious

SnAPslUTz0rz: they are?
haha I think I'm going to transcribe part of this exchange, actually

SnappySlut: YES
aw man, we're so slutty

SnAPslUTz0rz: we are very slutty
and exhibitionary

SnappySlut: (um, don't post that part)


Kate said...

hahaha! This makes me giggle. :D

Paul said...

That was the best yet. I laughed at high volume.