Here's how SnapSluts works:We will post the challenges on Wednesdays. You'll have until the following Monday, end of day, to reply with one or (max) two photo submissions. Voting for the best photo will be enabled on Tuesdays. Wednesdays we'll annnounce the winner. [UPDATE] The winner chooses the next challenge!
Some challenges will have restrictions (e.g. no PhotoShop, only B&W, etc.), some will have bonus points, and some will have longer or shorter deadlines depending on the challenge. We welcome suggestions, so please
email us all your brilliant ideas.
Can I comment on the submitted photos? Yes! We encourage you to comment both on your submissions and on other people's. If you don't want critique, I suggest you mention it when submitting your photo.
Can I post more than 2 photos per challenge? Nope, hehe.
Can I post photos that are unrelated to the challenges? No. If you want to share your miscellaneous photos, or your other attempts at a challenge, please email us the URL of your photo webpage (Flickr, blog, etc) and we'll post it on the right.
Can I submit a photo I took last year in Aruba? No. Unless otherwise stated, all photos should be taken after we post the challenge (or unless you offer to fly us to Aruba).
I don't have any fancy photography skills yet, and some of the contributors are professionals. Should I be worried? No! Everyone has a fair chance at each challenge and I suspect that various skills will be rewarded (creativity, etc.). To top it all off, I myself (Ann) will set the low bar while others set the high bar, so you have nothing to worry about!
Call I post pictures of my naked grandmother? God no! No adult content please, or we'll be shut down.
How will you be transmitting important information? We'll be posting everything you need to know on the blog itself since not everyone uses FaceBook. Set up the RSS feed if you don't want to miss anything.
This is a new project, so changes to the format are bound to occur. Please be patient with us and send us your comments by email so that the blog can be reserved for challenge content.
And now, let the games begin!