Hijack my Heart - Queen
Just walking down the street
one cloudless sunny day
Just minding my business
thinking my thoughts
Nothing much to say
When suddenly I got hit
Imagine my suprise
Your smile came up and zapped me
right between the eyes
Just walking down the street
one cloudless sunny day
Just minding my business
thinking my thoughts
Nothing much to say
When suddenly I got hit
Imagine my suprise
Your smile came up and zapped me
right between the eyes
Just for kicks - I'm going to pretend I won last week's photo challenge [paulidin - feel free to challenge my challenge, if you want :) ] and I'm going to hijack this post and propose a new challenge for this week!! Lyrics !! Find you favourite lyric and interpret it pho-to-graphi-cally.
Deadline's next Wednesday at the witching hour!
Deadline's next Wednesday at the witching hour!